Dad’s delicious lobster salad is perfect for a light, healthy meal, since fresh Maine lobster meat has less cholesterol, calories, and saturated fat than skinless chicken or turkey, and is an excellent source of protein.  This recipe is also absurdly easy to make if you have fresh lobster meat, perhaps leftover from a large lobster dinner.

Start with 3-4 oz. fresh Maine lobster meat per person, and mix in a small amount of light mayonnaise.  Place on a bed of mixed lettuce, perhaps with tomatoes, celery or other fresh vegetables.  If you are really adventurous, add shrimp, or crabmeat, or both.  And of course, while Dad likes it simple, you can add any seasonings you choose; paprika, garlic, dill, cumin, coriander, black pepper, or whatever you like.

Do you have a favorite spice or seasoning you like to use with lobster?  Let us know in the comment section below; we’d love to hear your suggestions.

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